YEP Says: Jo Cox - she was one of us, say the people of Birstall

Jo Cox.Jo Cox.
Jo Cox.
THE simplest of tributes are invariably the most profound and this was certainly the case when Jo Cox's constituents paid their heartfelt respects to their MP. Lost for words, many mourners who made their way to the makeshift memorial in Birstall, close to the spot where the mother-of-two was shot and stabbed to death, simply said: 'She was one of us.'

They might have only been five short words – but they still spoke volumes about a one-off politician who they also regarded as a friend after the Batley & Spen MP’s election in May last year. This is a grief-stricken community which has lost its champion and which will still be struggling to come to terms with the trauma of this tragedy long after the world’s media have moved on. Another floral tribute said simply: “You lived for others.”

What was remarkable about Jo, who was only elected in May last year, was that she was universally admired and respected by all because she was a conciliator who knew how to make a difference.

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